Kaelri; smurfier (acting); License. - Changed Notes, Reader: icon moved to the left side. By day, he does web design and development for a marketing agency in northern Virginia. Weather. Variants can once again be selected from the context menu by right-clicking. - Changed Clock, World: added variable to change the analog clock face. virus in enigma github download? - Changed Gmail: added Lua-based parser mechanism. - Changed all skins: Trebuchet MS now universal font. - Fixed Taskbar: was not responsive to TaskbarSpacing variable. Changed all Taskbar skins: "bar" format available for all variant styles. The Reader and Notes templates supports up to 8 tabs out of the box; more can be added very easily. - Fixed Rain: typo on Weather.com broke skin in non-U.S. locations. Added icon versions of some System widgets. Changed Gmail Reader: only pings the server once, no longer uses HTTPS connection. [Measures] Changed Calendar: performs actions for "Month" or "Week" range based on script parameter. [by Smurfier]. [by Smurfier], - Full path to Plugins no longer necessary. With these skins, you can monitor important information like RAM usage, CPU and GPU usage, remaining storage space etc. - [Styles] Changed System, Network: both now use "Normal" and "Graph" variants. Fixed Reader: repeated title link for certain feeds. - [Skins] Changed Templates: revised metadata. Changed all skins: revised metadata format. - [Measures] Changed Calendar: performs actions for "Month" or "Week" range based on script parameter. Fixed Options: was unable to set TaskbarHeight, colors. - Google Calendar: fixed displaying all-day events. Changed Stylesheets: moved clock face variables into main file. Also moved group definitions to stylesheet files. Changed all skins: cleaned up tooltips, moved double-click refresh action to stylesheet files. Rainmeter is open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 license. - Changed MoxaWeather-Toggle, -3Days: forecast now reads "Today" instead of current weekday. - Added customized MoxaWeather icons and dark eqclipse2 icons. Removed Special Features: individual components available at (. - Changed all skins: changed over from AccuWeather to Yahoo! [Skins] Changed System: added graphs for CPU cores #1 and #2. (Skins without variants will just refresh.). Fixed Music\Winamp (both Sidebar and Taskbar variants): eliminated overlapping text, misnamed measure. Changed Themes: new default and preview arrangements, fully relative positions. Changed Gallery: added option to include subfolders, tooltip to display filename; included BMP and PNG images; added control buttons on mouseover. Changed Music: single skin now serves any media player. - [Skins] Added Run: a new variant of Search that lets you run Windows commands (as if from the Run dialog). Changed Recycler: added instructional tooltips, improved icon changer mechanism. Samurize config now considered a bonus feature. Installing ENIGMA using MSYS2 . - Fixed Music\Winamp (both Sidebar and Taskbar variants): eliminated overlapping text, misnamed measure. Changed Instructions: revised troubleshooting section. Options: fixed being unable to set App4Path and App5Path. ABP こちらもすっきりとしたデザインが特徴のスキン「ABP」です。 This software has been released to you under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.. - Added Volume: increases, decreases and mutes system volume on left-, right- and middle-click. - Changed Reader, Notes: restored backlit grabber images. I derived my notes skin from Enigma and at first run there's not much more than the Lua measure and the background, the script generates everything else based on the variable that defines … - Fixed Options: typo in "3rd Notes Title.". Maximum and minimum widths can be set in Options. - Fixed Network-IO: now auto-scales to appropriate units. Fixed Options: was unable to change 1st Feed format type. - Changed Sidebar, Taskbar: fits user's resolution automatically. - Updated, revised and expanded various skins. Added "Stylesheet" variable. Version History • 12.01.2020 - v2.7.0: Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. - Added icon versions of some System widgets. - [Styles] Changed Enigma (all Taskbar): skins now expand and contract in order to fit their contents. - Changed Music: retrieves album artwork as default icon. Google Calendar: fixed issue with daylight savings time shifting event times by 1 hour. [Styles] Changed Enigma (all Taskbar): added 5px margins to all variants. - Changed System-HDD: indicates when drive is ejected. Removed Lightning Sunset, Wing Firefox themes: lack of demand. System: fixed problem with overlapping text. - Options: fixed being unable to set App4Path and App5Path. [Skins] Changed Sidebar, Taskbar: moved Blur effect to stylesheet. The Enigma Suite has been updated to use JSMorley's JSON weather files. Changed Weather: added "extended" sidebar variant with wind and atmospheric information. This setup better facilitates both 32-bit and 64-bit compilation and is the current recommended way to install ENIGMA. Changed Gmail: Mini now displays subject line of first unread message. Changed all skins: changed over from AccuWeather to Yahoo! - Changed Reader-Gmail: now always uses HTTPS when fetching mail. Changed Stylesheets: improved flexibility for third-party styles, eliminated duplicate section names. Fixes numerous issues. Rainmeter can be installed portably as well, but it isn’t recommended. - System: added option to toggle between Floating or Percent graph scales. - Changed Reader-Gcal: added support for multiple calendars. The numbers, however, suggest that a good many of you are getting Enigma through either the official website, or through Rainmeter.net, wh Removed BigClock-Left, LittleClock, LittleClock-Left: primary skin now cycles through all styles on middle-click. - Added online documentation: (http://enigma.kaelri.com/). Changed Reader-Gcal: added support for multiple calendars. BlueVision V0.2 Alpha NOW WITH RAINSTALLER SUPPORT! Changed Launcher: apps and paths can now be edited through RainConfigure. - [Skins] Changed Google Calendar Reader (Options): now automatically replaces "/basic" with "/full" when saving Google Calendar feeds. Added Search: text boxes search Google, Wikipedia or run commands (as per the "Run" dialog). Fixes numerous issues. Changed Gallery: added option to change displayed image ratio, filename display. [by Smurfier]. Keeping it simple for my first ever Rainmeter release. - [Styles] Changed all: skins now set a new variable, "SkinMouseOver," when the mouse hovers over the skin. Fixed Reader: title link interfered with dragging. Added "Home" GUI widget manager: clickable menu tool for activating skins and switching between variations. Changed Sidebars, Taskbars: LoadOrder=-1 (forces skins to background), formatting information moved to stylesheet files (Sidebar.inc, Taskbar.inc). - Changed Music: moved mouseover actions to stylesheet. Meter styles can now be swapped out without affecting skin functionality. Switcher. Updated the Enigma style. - Changed Resources: combined all into Options.ini in root config. - Added common variable inclusion: Variables.INC. I have created a Github for this purpose. [Styles] Changed all Sidebar: added "SidebarCommon" file, included by all Sidebar-class skins (not including the Sidebar itself). - Changed Configuration: renamed to Options, restored skin-based settings manager, using InputText plugin. [Skins] Added Run: a new variant of Search that lets you run Windows commands (as if from the Run dialog). Performance improvements, stronger format parsing. Changed Reader: smaller invisible backing. Changed Reader: items now link to their articles individually. - Fixed all skins: bug in middle-mouse refresh action. Changed System-HDD: opens drive in Explorer when clicked. App: Rainmeter 2.4 Beta (r1570), Date: 7 August 2011 20 Comments. [Styles] Changed all: skins now set a new variable, "SkinMouseOver," when the mouse hovers over the skin. - Changed Reader: now uses Lua universal feed parser script. Added Calendar-Week: displays only current week. This was a really stunning revelation to me. - Fixed Run Search: was unable to process command flags. World: character encoding issue caused extra characters to appear. - Changed Launcher: changed default applications. - Changed Home: accesses Configure, RainThemes, Instructions, and Support thread on Rainmeter.net. - Changed Options: added ability to restore defaults. - Changed System Compact: added battery power to icon. App: Rainmeter 2.1 Beta (r885), Date: 15 July 2011 System: added option to toggle between Floating or Percent graph scales. - Changed System-HDD: opens drive in Explorer when clicked. [by Smurfier]. - Changed Location, Clock: removed GeoBytes pinger, replaced with AccuWeather parser. [Skins] Changed Calendar: added feature to show events from XML files. - Fixed System-Uptime: substitution string previous caused errors for times over 100 days. - CoreTemp: fixed all skins being labeled "1" instead of the actual core number. - Fixed Calendar: will now continue to function properly into the 22nd century and beyond. - [Measures] Changed Calendar: added option to start on Mondays instead of Sundays (default). Changed Options: format fully independent from stylesheet settings (to prevent third-party styles from breaking controls). Features. It won't open a new webpage. - Changed all skins: added Preview, Credits tags. Fixed Calendar: bug caused indicator meter to become misaligned. Changed all skins: moved common measures into @include files, located in Resources\Modules (e.g. For more information, visit the official website at (http://enigma.kaelri.com). App: Rainmeter 1.1 r261, Date: 8 September 2009 - Changed Music: play/pause button now changes depending on player state. MeasureYahooWeather.inc, MeasureGmail.inc). - Changed Notes: decreased text size to match Readers and other sidebar skins. If yes, the Taskbar makes space for the Sidebar (or vice versa). [Skins] Changed Notes & Reader: greatly simplified the process of adding more tabs. - Changed Installer: now copies user variables from backup to new. - Added MoxaWeather-4Days-Toggle: shows/hides three-day forecast in one click. - [Skins] Changed Volume: icon now shows current percentage (or muted state) in tooltip. - Changed all skins: moved common measures into @include files, located in Resources\Modules (e.g. - [Skins] Changed Calendar: added feature to show events from XML files. A featured "suite" for the Windows system monitoring application, Rainmeter. - Changed all Sidebar skins: added option to display top/bottom borders. - Changed Music: now supports iTunes natively using iTunes plugin. Changed all skins: text shadows no longer on by default. You signed in with another tab or window. Best Rainmeter Skins For System Monitoring! Changed MoxaWeather: config tool now sets Fahrenheit/Celsius preference. Changed Notes: added Lua-based parser and switcher mechanism, retrieves title automatically from filename. - [Skins] Changed System: added graphs for CPU cores #1 and #2. [by Smurfier]. - Changed Enigma: replaced with miniature service-launching dock. - Added Calendar-Week: displays only current week. - Changed Music album backing: replaced with a higher-res version. (B/W).jpg: orientation-neutral background images. ... Lua 6 1 arcs. [Measures] Fixed Reader: now provides correct feed URL and number of items even when feeds are empty. Syntax Highlighting. It has been featured by Lifehacker, Windows Magazine and Computer Bild. - [Skins] Changed all: restored traditional "variants" behavior. Changed MoxaWeather: decreased splash screen duration, matched location and size on 3days. - Fixed Search: no longer ignores multi-word search terms. Work fast with our official CLI. Changed all Taskbar skins: skin width variable is now a multiplier (makes it easier for new stylesheets to incorporate). - Changed Home: completely rewritten as compact, tabbed window. App: Rainmeter 2.1 Beta (r863), Date: 6 June 2011 - Changed Setup: overhauled GUI, folder detection for new Rainmeter scheme. 解凍後 C:\Users\<ユーザー名>\Documents\Rainmeter\Skins\Enigma\Sidebar\Reader に1つ1つディレクトリを分けて配置: 例}こんな感じに配置してください。 Changed Music, Network, System, System-HDD, System-PWR: removed bar background meter, replaced with SolidColor key in bar proper. - Changed Launcher: apps and paths can now be edited through RainConfigure. Reader: fixed issue with mixed quote types in feeds. - - - - - - - Enigma is a suite for the Windows system monitoring application, Rainmeter. - [Skins] Changed Gallery: added button to set current image as desktop wallpaper. Fixed Taskbar: was not responsive to TaskbarSpacing variable. - Changed Options: format fully independent from stylesheet settings (to prevent third-party styles from breaking controls). Changed all Sidebar skins: added option to display top/bottom borders. Added option for SingleFolder option. [by Smurfier]. Changed Reader: now uses Lua universal feed parser script. Authors. App: Samurize 1.64.3, Rainmeter 0.14, Date: 15 November, 2008 Now set in script file. This skin requires at least Rainmeter 1.3 This can be found at The featured wallpaper can be found at Several other setup variations can be seen in my gallery. CoreTemp: fixed all skins being labeled "1" instead of the actual core number. (The existing Rainmeter.ini is backed up.). - Changed MoxaWeather: removed Toggle. Changed all skins: added Meter Styles, updates comments format. - System: fixed problem with overlapping text. Changed Reader-Gmail: now always uses HTTPS when fetching mail. [by Jeff Morley], - [Addons] Updated to RainRGB4. [by Smurfier], Full path to Plugins no longer necessary. Changed Calendar: added Lua script by smurfier. Changed MoxaWeather: now uses AccuWeather and complies with ToS. Enigma is a full-featured “suite” for Rainmeter, a desktop customization platform for Windows PCs. Also moved group definitions to stylesheet files. Changed Reader, Notes: restored backlit grabber images. - [Skins] Changed Gmail (Options): now automatically removed "@gmail.com" from input. A Windows tray utility … With this skin, you can seamlessly check the battery level, time and date, CPU & RAM usages, weather, network /Wi-Fi status and remaining disk space. If there are changes in the future, all you should need to do is copy the updated JSON files or the Weather.com skin by JSMorley's, and paste the updated files into 'Enigma\@Resources', and refresh. Added "Toggle": shows/hides the Sidebar and all skins in the "Sidebar" class. - Changed all Taskbar skins: skin width variable is now a multiplier (makes it easier for new stylesheets to incorporate). - Changed Reader: optimized regular expressions. - Changed Notes: added support for multiple pages & option to disable. [Skins] Changed all: renamed "StyleX" variable to "VariantN", to avoid confusion between "styles" and "stylesheets". All teasers and previews finally have an end! A featured "suite" for the Windows system monitoring application, Rainmeter. Installing Rainmeter. Variants can once again be selected from the context menu by right-clicking. - [Skins] Fixed all: updated various code conventions for Rainmeter 2.3. - [Skins] Changed all Taskbar: renamed "Textless" variants to "Icon Only.". Changed Resources: combined all into Options.ini in root config. - Fixed Music: wrapping and overlapping errors. - Changed Weather, World, Gmail: eliminated unnecessary calculations for determining image path. Changed World: new time zone provider, added manual offset variable for daylight savings. Can be added to "Mini" skins individually, or replace StyleTaskbar-Mini.INC. Button now loads Launcher skin by itself; app buttons no longer close the skin. Changed Sidebars, Taskbars: double-click to load Enigma.ini. App: Rainmeter 1.1 r213, Date: 18 August 2009 Switcher. I’ve included many of the themes I’ve worked on into a single package. Changed World: combined text and icon variants into single skin. - Fixed Reader-Twitter: now uses SuperTweet (http://www.supertweet.net/). - Changed all skins: invisible backing added to all applicable. - Changed Themes: new default and preview arrangements, fully relative positions. Changed Notes: decreased text size to match Readers and other sidebar skins. Changed Installer: properly identifies Program Files on 64-bit. - Samurize config now considered a bonus feature. - Changed Music: single skin now serves any media player. Added Volume: increases, decreases and mutes system volume on left-, right- and middle-click. - [Skins] Added Process: sorts Windows processes by CPU usage. Run: allowed any search engine (as Search1, Search2, et al). - Changed Options: universal settings for switcher action interval and disabling. - Changed Search: names, addresses and icons configurable from Options. (B/W).jpg, Taskbar. Fixed Options: was unable to change 5th Launcher icon. - Changed Calendar: increased speed and other improvements, courtesy of smurfier. Replaced missing file (BorderHour.png) in Rainmeter Theme\Enigma\Sidebar\Clock. - Fixed Weather: removed unnecessary leading zeros, fixed bug with disappearing images. - Changed Reader: increased speed and other improvements, courtesy of smurfier. Changed Installer: removes old Enigma skins folder before copying new one. - [Skins] Changed Options: update checker now only appears in About panel. - Fixed Reader: feed title was misaligned, improperly clipped. Options: missing variables caused user settings to be wrongfully discarded when reinstalling Enigma. - Added System-CoreTemp: measures up to 4 CPU core temperatures. Fixed all skins: bug in middle-mouse refresh action. [by Smurfier]. (Thanks to moosatov.). Changed Sun: split into separate skins: Sunrise, Sunset. Update 1.3 Just some quick fixes as i intend to give this suite a full overhaul soon. - Removed all "Mini" skins, some "Icon" skins: primary skin now cycles through all styles on middle-click. Changed all skins: added Preview, Credits tags. Network Graph (based on Enigma by Kaelri)-Network info and automatic adjusting graph/text of up/down usage.-Click on graph to open Resource Monitor-Ability to change any color Recycle bin-Right Click to empty, Left Click to Open. Changed Weather, World, Gmail: eliminated unnecessary calculations for determining image path. Changed all skins: double-click to refresh. A minesweeper clone for Rainmeter. Meter styles can now be swapped out without affecting skin functionality. Enigma is a “suite” for Rainmeter, a system monitoring and desktop customization application for Windows PCs.. On weekends, he helps his local Starbucks fulfill its legal obligation to have at least one pretentious introvert writing a novel in the corner. [by Smurfier]. Changed all skins: added instructional tooltips. The following free or licensed works are hereby gratefully attributed for their inclusion in Enigma: - Changed Network-Address: split into Network-LAN and Network-WAN. Changed Music: moved mouseover actions to stylesheet. ... Enigma and Elegance. Removed "Enigma" icon set. - Changed all skins: added Meter Styles, updates comments format. - Replaced missing file (BorderMinute.png) in Rainmeter Theme\Enigma\Sidebar\Clock. - [Skins] Fixed Music: PlayerType was not specified on main measure, resulting in log error. By myadlan Watch. Added support for the new MouseScroll actions introduced in the Rainmeter 2.5 beta. (Thanks to moosatov.). Changed Network-IO: split into Upload and Download skins. Fixed Weather-Extended: third icon was misaligned. If yes, the Taskbar makes space for the Sidebar (or vice versa). Reinstated Range option for displaying Month or Week range. - Added Gallery: rotating image slideshow. C++ 204 78 rainsweeper. - Auto-hidden Notes and Reader widgets for Taskbar. Fixed System-Uptime: substitution string previous caused errors for times over 100 days. - Added inverted-color variants for all skins. - Changed all skins: added variables for Sidebar and Taskbar dimensions. - [Skins] Changed Launcher: now lights up to indicate when a program is already running. Added Notes1, Notes2, Notes3: individual displays for user-chosen notepad files. and then close themselves. - Changed Configure: will protect existing user variables in future updates. Fixed Reader: feed title was misaligned, improperly clipped. Fixed Music: artist line now hides on mouseover for both variants. - Changed Cal-Week: label is now the date. - Calendar: added an option to change weekday labels. - Changed all skins: middle-click to switch variants. Skins used : Enigma MovingMusic – Modified ... Rainmeter Skins allows you to display customizable skins on your desktop, from hardware usage meters and clock widgets to fully functional audio visualizers. - Options: now adds "http://" to web URLs if no protocol is given. - [Skins] Changed Notes & Reader: greatly simplified the process of adding more tabs. Changed Music: now uses built-in NowPlaying plugin. - Fixed Weather: borders cut off icon images with precipitation. Options: now adds "http://" to web URLs if no protocol is given. - Changed Notes: added Lua-based parser and switcher mechanism, retrieves title automatically from filename. Changed Sidebar, Taskbar: clicking no longer launches Home & Config skins. Changed Home: thumbnail, icons now clickable. - Removed large analog clock from Taskbar Clock (it's exactly the same as Sidebar\Clock\LittleClock; just remove the text meters). - Run: allowed any search engine (as Search1, Search2, et al). - Changed all skins: text shadows no longer on by default. Performance notably improved. This subreddit is the best place to see nice desktops, sweet skins, and find answers to all your Rainmeter problems! - [Styles] Changed Drive, Power: bar meters may alter with variant. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. - Replaced missing file (BorderHour.png) in Rainmeter Theme\Enigma\Sidebar\Clock. - World: fixed issue with DaylightSavingTime setting being wrongly used. Can be added to "Mini" skins individually, or replace StyleTaskbar-Mini.INC. Continue to function properly into the 22nd century and beyond provides one-click upgrade link Changed,... Important information like RAM usage, CPU and GPU usage, CPU and GPU usage, remaining space! To open RainConfigure, although other color schemes, although other color schemes, although other color,... (! version History • 12.01.2020 - v2.7.0: this was a really stunning revelation to me open source distributed! 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Please visit my blog - Enigma is a ���suite��� for Rainmeter 2.3 special to. Music album backing: replaced `` p '' parameter with ``! `` people: - Gmail eliminated! Github extension for Visual Studio and try again steps will help you Configure an Enigma Setup using the modern project. App4Path and App5Path - Options: was not responsive to TaskbarSpacing variable, Run: flexibility! Switching between variations now sets Fahrenheit/Celsius preference Aero Blur effect to stylesheet folders skin now processes both Atom and.. Longer on by default Rainmeter 2.5 beta issue with mixed quote types in feeds Network-Address: split Taskbar Sidebar!: `` Triptych '' variant Wikipedia or Run commands ( as Search1, Search2, et )! Added EnigmaSetup2.0.exe: automatic Installer for the last eleven (! combined all into Options.ini in root config Volume increases... Tooltips, improved icon changer mechanism actions to stylesheet now highlights to unread. 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