Marvel: Avengers: Endgame - I Am Iron Man Glow-in-the-Dark PX Previews Exclusive. (Funko Pop) I Am Iron Man Glow in the Dark PX Exclusive with Free Protector. One of the best scenes in Endgame and it is perfectly represented here. Great character, great figure, disappointed it will have no re-sale value. POP AVENGERS ENDGAME I AM IRON MAN PX GID DLX VIN FIG From Funko.A PREVIEWS Exclusive! features the dramatic battle-damaged Tony Stark as he kneels on a sculpted terrain base, complete with a glow-in-the-dark Arc Reactor and Infinity stones! Funko Pop! FUNKO POP AVENGERS ENDGAME IRON MAN ⦠features the dramatic battle-damaged Tony Stark as he kneels on a sculpted terrain base, complete with a glow-in-the-dark Arc Reactor and Infinity stones! Master Chief with Cortana #07 HALO Vinyl Figure. The Foundationâs mission is to prevent and cure breast cancer by advancing the worldâs most promising research. 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