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Rolling Stone Easy Piano Sheet Music Classics, Volume 1: 39 Selections from the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time (Rolling Stone(r) Easy Piano Sheet Music Classics) Dan Coates. [5o] [9wo] [5o] [9wo] [5p] a [9w] a 5 [9wa] [ei9] y p y [w8o] i y t y [q4] y p y [q4o] i y t y [e9] SdSP ppp s s s p ss s s p ss s s pp j j f D S G ff fDS s D S h h G [wyo] d d [ah] [pG] [9e] d d ( E Y E o Y E Y i E o i E Y E Y Indie music is a wide-ranging genre of music that encompasses alternative music and soft rock. 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