Forewing deep grayish brown, metallic blue at base. Identification: The largest and most broad-winged of wasp moths in North America. The body is a metallic blue-green. Authored By Staff Writer; Content © The wingspan ranges from 40-50 millimetres . And I found some more crawling on the road. thanks pics are great. It is found from mid-June to late July in moist, open, grassy fields and meadows.
I fed it on grass, and it pupated on 6/1/09. Hyalophora cecropia. Amphipyra pyramidoides. Morning-glory Prominent 74. Virginia Ctenucha Moth Ctenucha virginica / Leaf Skeletonizer Moths Hodges #8262 Oak Ridge, TN (Anderson Co.) September 18, 2009 I don't like taking photos of insects in specimen jars, but sometimes that's the best I can get. 5/20/09. Mammalian herbivores rarely bother this plant because the foliage and rootstocks are somewhat toxic, causing irritation of the gastrointestinal tract. 8262. Dear Tanya, Thanks for your kind words. It looks like hairs from the body of the caterpillar were used for the outside of the cocoon. 6/13/2005 During the day . Virginia ctenucha : This common and widespread, colorful, medium-sized moth is the largest wasp moth in North America. Moth Photographers Group at the Mississippi Entomological Museum at the Mississippi State University Send suggestions, or submit photographs to Webmaster — Moth Photographers Group Database design and scripting support provided by Mike Boone The adult moths may be easily confused, but their caterpillars look quite different. Fringes on all wings partly white. The hindwing is dull jet black with a mostly white fringe. Ctenucha virginica, the Virginia ctenucha, is a moth of the family Erebidae. Orthoptera – Grasshoppers, Crickets & Katydids, Psocodea – Barklice, Booklice & Parasitic Lice, Megaloptera – Alderflies, Dobsonflies, Fishflies, How to raise Giant Silk Moths (Saturniidae). This caterpillar was collected in the grass of a mowed path on our farm on June 20, 2009. The Virginia ctenucha moth, a day-flying moth, is quite common in New England. Primrose Moth 12. Although it is a day-flying moth it is also attracted to lights at night. On 6/2/09 the pupa inside became visible. The Virginia Ctenucha Moth caterpillar (Ctenucha virginica). WordPress ... Red-humped Caterpillar Moth 73. If everyone who uses this resource gives a small amount, we could cover our ongoing costs, develop new features, and upgrade the system. The more full figured individual with … Long black antennae have fine comb-like teeth. Ctenucha virginica – Virginia Ctenucha Moth. Ctenucha virginica is a moth of the family Erebidae. The head is yellow-orange, with feathery antennae. There are around 11,000 species of small to medium-sized moths in this family. The head is yellow-orange, with feathery antennae. Body metallic blue; head and sides of collar orange. Virginia Ctenucha Moth – Ctenucha virginica Subfamily Arctiinae / Tribe Arctiini (Tiger Moths) / subtribe Ctenuchina Insects & Spiders | Moths Index | Moths | Butterflies Main | Butterflies Index Live adult moths and caterpillars photographed in the wild at DuPage County, Illinois. In the top left, you can see the female laying eggs on a goldenrod leaf. With bright warning coloration and tufts of barb-like hairs covering its body, everything about this caterpillar says “DON’T TRY TO EAT ME O American Copper Underwing 25. Species Ctenucha virginica - Virginia Ctenucha - Hodges#8262. ... Ctenucha virginica. ), but is larger and has a metallic blue body (including both abdomen and thorax) that contrasts with the brownish black of the wings. This caterpillar was collected in the grass of a mowed path on our farm, in Buffalo County, Wisconsin. The caterpillar may be black or white with black-tipped white or yellow bristles all over it. The Virginia Ctenucha (Ctenucha virginica) is an attractive moth that may be seen in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York and in the Paul Smiths VIC Butterfly House in mid-summer.It is widespread and common. Cisseps fulvicollis is a similar day-flying tiger moth. Acronicta funeralis. The orange head is covered in hair and the color extends to the base of the wings, giving it orange ‘shoulders’. Virginia ctenucha (Ctenucha virginica) A moth of the Arctiidae family. Genus Ctenucha. We see their caterpillars wandering on the road in the winter, anytime the temperature gets close to freezing. This one is more spectacular. Wow! We depend on donations to keep Butterflies and Moths of North America online and freely available. The head is red with a back face. Caterpillar food: grasses. This week we will set our sights on the Virgnia Ctenucha (Ctenucha virginica) in the Tiger & Lichen moth subfamily (Erebidae: Arctiinae). 6/10/2016 . Moth Photographers Group at the Mississippi Entomological Museum at the Mississippi State University. Below the huge Shagbark Hickories (Carya ovata) on the lane at the western edge of the park, a Virginian Ctenucha Moth (Ctenucha virginica) sailed past and settled on a leaf.I was quite excited to see this moth (which caused a slight blur in the photo), since Ben had helped me identify its spiky caterpillar earlier in the spring. It inhabits wet meadows and open spaces with bushes from North Carolina to Canada east of the Rocky Mountains. Tom Murray 10-Apr-2009 00:48 Ctenucha virginica, the Virginia ctenucha, is a moth of the family Erebidae. Entries (RSS) The following resources were used in the creation of these galleries: Marcie O'Connor The blue on the head and shoulder, to me looks like hind of a frog, may be a poisonous dendrobid frog. The forewings are dark brownish gray with a slight sheen and white fringe. This moth could almost be mistaken for a wasp thanks to its coloring. Capability, Shape, Texture/Pattern, Benefits, Dangers. The wingspan ranges from 40–50 millimetres. Polyphemus Moth (Antheraea polyphemus): The false eyes on the wings help to ward off predators. They ate grass for about a month. During its larval stage the spiky caterpillar feeds primarily on grasses, irises and sedges. Image Credit: Alexandra M. from Ithaca, NY, Updated: 6/11/2020;
The wing color varies from black to olive-brown. Send suggestions, or submit photographs to Webmaster — Moth Photographers Group. This family consists of a varied group of striking moths living in woodlands, fields, and gardens, as well as … This is a yellow caterpillar. Location: Moore Run Trail, Otter Creek Wilderness, MVF. Database design and scripting support provided by Mike BooneMike Boone The Virginia ctenucha (Ctenucha virginica), is another type of tiger moth. Bug Life Cycles is proudly powered by 6/8/2014 . This furry caterpillar is certainly YELLOW! Upcoming Events National Moth Week photos of insects and people. Interestingly, BugGuide does not even include any individuals from Virginia in its range map since BugGuide has not received any submissions from Virginia. Hi Steve, These mating moths are in the genus Ctenucha, most likely Ctenucha virginica, commonly called the Virginia Ctenucha, though it ranges much farther than the state of Virginia. Cecropia Moth 11. Inky black wings are long and have just a hint of bright white along parts of the fringe. Many caterpillars in this family are thickly furred. Summary 5 The Virginia Ctenucha (Ctenucha virginica) is a moth of the Arctiidae family.It is endemic to eastern North America, but has expanded its range westward. The wings of these mating ctenucha moths are covering the most impressive part … A caterpillar (or larva) is the stage between the egg and the adult during the life cycle of a butterfly or moth (from the insect family: Lepidoptera).Every caterpillar species have specific plants they like to feed on called the "host plant", so knowing the name of the host plant that the caterpillar is on can often help with identifying the critter. and Comments (RSS). We found our bug jar and the girls dug out their magnifying glasses and spent some good quality time investigating our new friend. Virginia Ctenucha Moth – Ctenucha virginica. Ctenucha moths are very common in our part of Wisconsin. Ctenucha moths are very common in our part of Wisconsin. Look for the moth among flowers by day or night all through spring and summer. It is the larvae ("caterpillar" or, as Maya says, "killerpatter") form of the Ctenucha virginica moth. They are in the same genus but on different sides of the Rocky Mountains. They are found in all parts of the world. It undergoes metamorphosis in May–August. Caterpillar Photo at Great Falls National Park, MD by Ken Clark. This is the larva of the blue-abdomened moth in photo 8 above, the one I confused with the Yellow-collared Scape Moth. The bipectinateantennae are black. In late June and July day flying moth Ctenucha virginca, commonly called Ctenucha moth of Arctidae are seen commonly nectaring on flowers of Asclepias. (tiger moths, wasp moths, and lichen moths) Tribe: Arctiini (tiger moths and the tiger moth tussocks) Subtribe: Ctenuchina and Callimorphina (Ctenucha and Haploa tigers) Back to Guide Index Presented by Sam Jaffe and The Caterpillar Lab. It is medium size (FW length 22 - 23 mm) with a striking orange head, black and metallic blue thorax, and metallic blue abdomen. Both the yellow and the black ones have red feet. The photo I took of this moth on a flower did not show the blue abdomen. The Virginia Tiger Moth (Spilosoma virginica) is a beautiful, mostly white moth with a few black specks from the family Arctiidae.They are found throughout the United States, despite the common name. We saw this one on November 24, 2005. 6/2/09 the pupa inside becomes visible. Hairs from the body of the caterpillar used for the outside of the cocoon. The caterpillar has multiple tufts of white and yellow hair. Patagia** entirely black.” Diurnal Tiger Moths in the genus Ctenucha are very effective wasp mimics. Other Common Names . The species was first described by Eugenius Johann Christoph Esper in 1794. Pyrrharctia isabella. Last spring (April 19th) I was cutting some Honeysuckle bushes on an abandoned field, and found several caterpillars hidden in the dry grass at the base of each bush. It is smaller than C. virginica and has narr… Found on the eastern side of the continent, the Virginia Ctenucha looks similar to the west coast Red-shouldered Ctenucha. Welcome back for another edition of COTW! Ctenucha moth life cycle (Ctenucha virginica), #8262 I coupled together four photos to show the lifecycle of this very common, and very attractive, day-flying moth. Caterpillar food: monocots – grasses, sedges, iris I usually see this species flying during the day, but they also come to my lights at night. 18. they helped me to identify the tiger moth caterpillar, I found alot of them this afternoon eating clover in my yard. Ctenucha virginica – Virginia Ctenucha Moth. They're day-flying moths, with smooth gray/black wings, a fuzzy orange head, and a shiny dark blue neck and body. NOTE: Butterflies and Moths are part of the Lepidopteran order as they share many similarities. Caterpillars of such moths as Ctenucha virginica (Virginia Ctenucha), Spilosoma congrua (Agreeable Tiger Moth), and Macronoctua onusta (Iris Borer Moth), also feed on these plants. Schizura concinna. Species virginica (Virginia Ctenucha - Hodges#8262) Hodges Number . The thorax is a shiny, metallic blue that is also on the body. Hodges # 8262. Legs are black. We need your help. Pupated on 6/1/09. In fact, the caterpillar of the Isabella tiger moth is the familiar woolly bear caterpillar. They're day-flying moths, with smooth gray/black wings, a fuzzy orange head, and a shiny dark blue neck and body. Eventually, at the last instar, all the black caterpillars shed their black skin, and turned yellow. Ctenucha virginica is a day-flying predominantly eastern species which range extends to northeastern British Columbia. During warm weather, if you turn on a porch light, you'll often see both the male and female moths congregating at the light (along with all of the other moths that do the same thing). The Virginia Ctenucha is a member of the Erebidae family. Funerary Dagger 49. Maya found him yesterday clinging to the side of our plastic pool. VIRGINIA CTENUCHA. Apocynum, sweet clover etc. The colors on the larva can change as it matures. The Virginia ctenucha (Ctenucha virginica), another type of tiger moth, is larger and has a metallic blue body (including both abdomen and thorax) that contrasts with the brownish black of the wings. This is a diurnal Tiger Moth, Ctenucha multifaria, and we identified it thanks to this BugGuide descriptions: “Distal tip and entire costal edge of forewing narrowly white-marginned. Hindwing black. It looks like a multicolored pipe cleaner. With its wings spread out in a T shape, it strongly resembles grapeleaf skeletonizers ( Harrisina spp. The wing color varies from black to olive-brown. Tribe Arctiini (Tiger Moths) Subtribe Ctenuchina. Yellow-collared Scape Moth 57. Most species are brightly colored and have stripes, spots, or bands on their wings. Lives in wet meadows.Location Dolly Sods. The caterpillars come in two color variations. Buffalo County, Wisconsin. Isabella Tiger Moth 10. I put the black ones in one jar, and the yellow ones in another. The body is a metallic blue-green. 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