Orpingtons do go broody fairly frequently which is a great advantage if you want more chicks.. They will lay you somewhere between 200-280 light brown eggs per year, that’s roughly 4-5 eggs per week.. As meat birds, they are ready for the table at 22 week. Although all eggs start out with white shells, the blue or brown dye (or both) applied to the shells of some breeds results in eggs that come in almost all the hues of the rainbow. They make excellent brooders because of their calm, maternal nature. they require good quality feed and mature in 2 years. Leslie . Until one day when the guy at the feed store showed me a blue chicken egg that another customer had brought in. So when you're choosing your next breeds of chickens, why not add a little color to your egg basket? It was such a long wait! According to Torres, “Black Copper Marans are the friendly chickens with the feathered feet that lay the really dark chocolate-brown eggs.” Brown eggs are graded on a scale of zero to nine, zero being white, and nine a deep, dark brown. I live in Fredericksburg and have 7 lavender orpingtons (hinkjc line) that are right at 40 weeks old! The Lavender Orpington chickens is a large chicken with a upright stance and medium-sized single comb. They were originally called ‘Cochins-China’.In fact, they were imported from a French colony in what is now Vietnam – so oriental, but not very Chinese!The original ‘Cochins’ that were imported did not look anything like todays Cochin. They are so named because they can lay a variety of shades of green (mint, pale, bright, olive), pinkish or cream eggs. People simply love the pale lavender/pearl grey/light blue coloration of the feathers. Truly a mystery until she lays her first egg. When a brown coating overlays a blue egg shell, the egg appears green. They can produce around 170-200 medium sized eggs that are brown in color. But yes, it was true. They can produce around 170-200 medium sized eggs that are brown in color. I was worried that she was in there messing around with Snow White's egg. Once a bantam chicken starts laying eggs, they will lay every other day for about four (4) to six (6) months, then they will stop producing while they shed their feathers ( … Learn More. She is a steady layer of light brown eggs and will lay somewhere between 3-4 each week. . I just got my first two eggs yesterday and another two eggs today. White Egg Shells. On and after April 1st, the minimum number of chicks required is 6 for selected breeds and 15 for all other chicks. One note, about lavender chickens, is that these birds DO breed true. However, sometimes even white-egg-layers can lay a slightly brown or tinted egg after a long period of … I think my beautiful tux is not going to make it. It could be that mine just appears to be darker due to lighting/iphone. I have ordered chicks from the large hatcheries, including Meyer Hatchery with wonderful results, but for more rare breeds, you likely will have to search out a small breeder. I knew some laid white, but blue? JavaScript is disabled. They come in a variety of colors including: buff, partridge, white, black, blue and cuckoo. The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens only have four. Thank you! “You want your Marans egg color to be five to nine,” Stuhr says. The lavender gene’s effect on red pigment isn’t all bad; in varieties like Porcelain Barbu D’uccles (Belgian Bantam), it turns the ground color of females into a soft yellow shade, and the neck, saddle and shoulder of males a straw-yellow tone – making for an overall ‘pastel’ effect. They should produce around 170-200 light brown, medium sized eggs per year. Large fowl lavender Ameraucana were create by John W Blehm in 2005 and are referred to as “self blue” by some. The Silkie (sometimes spelled Silky) is a breed of chicken named for its atypically fluffy plumage, which is said to feel like silk and satin. On average, they produce about 150 eggs per year. Chicken eggs come in all shades of blue, green, pinkish, cream and dark, dark brown. Does Apple Cider Vinegar Keep Water from Freezing. Blue or lavender is a rarity in the chicken world and an uncommon color. They are so named because they can lay a variety of shades of green (mint, pale, bright, olive), pinkish or cream eggs. To learn everything you need to know to decide if Cochin Bantam chickens are right for you, check out my article, The Cochin Bantam chicken: A sweet-hearted ball of feathers with feet. What this means is if you breed a lavender hen to a lavender rooster, all of your chicks will be the same lavender color. They were tall and rangy and not overly pretty to look at.These original Cochin were given to Queen Vic… My lavender is 15 months old I have had her 2 ish months and she has not laid any eggs. We just said "we'll take two of whatever you have" and ended up coming home with two Buff Orpingtons, two Silver Laced Wyandottes and two Rhode Island Reds. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Today, many breeders are creating their own strain of mixed breeds to produce “olive eggers.” Generally, this is a cross between an Ameraucana and a Marans. Lavender Brahmas, like the other varieties of this breed, is an egg-laying and meat bird. Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures, 25 Days of Christmas 2020.....Traditions, Movies, and More, Olive Egger started laying, but not olive eggs, Do happy hens hatch more females? The map below shows breeders and hatcheries that sell Cochin … Easter Egger™ Bantam Hatching on February 10, 2021. This chicken breed is a jumbo-sized bird among other bird breed. I have seen a lot of posts lately about what color(s) a breed lays, so I made a chart to put them all together. 104 SMALL EGGS/YEAR | EGG COLOR: BROWN | MATURE WT: MALE 3 LBS. Mar 31, 2013 - Ok what s the color difference between Lavender Orp VS. Blue Orp.. Is the Lavender a lighter shade of blue then the Blue Orp. You can also introduce a black rooster to help improve body type, feathering, size, etc. You must log in or register to reply here. They don't lay well but are very popular because of their sweet personality and fantastic mothering qualities. Email to: Which Breeds of Chickens lay Colored Eggs? She's happy to be a momma. They are so named because they can lay a variety of shades of green (mint, pale, bright, olive), pinkish or cream eggs. So life was good. Cochin chicken eggs are brown and on the average, they’ll give you 2 small to medium eggs per week. They make remarkably good pets, and a pet Cochin can live between 8-10 years. And fresh eggs were certainly my goal. If the brown coating is very dark, the egg appears olive. Chickens lay blue eggs? Egg shell is made almost entirely from calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) and about 5% is made up from other minerals such as calcium phosphate, magnesium carbonate, and various proteins. Imagine the excitement of peering into your nesting boxes and finding a rainbow of different colored eggs every day. Known for their true blue eggs, our Self Blue (Lavender) Ameraucanas have a calm disposition. Though they are not recognized by the APA they are a rare variety to add to your flock. **Remember of course when choosing breeds, you should make your final decisions based on temperament, hardiness and other breed characteristics, not purely based on egg color.**. Cochin Bantam chicken hatcheries and breeders. In fact, you likely saw them listed in several of the above lists for that every reason. They are great with children, and they also make good pet chickens. The Livestock Conservancy Breeder Directory is a good place to start if you are trying to locate a more rare breed. Order now for estimated delivery by February 13, 2021. Since Orpingtons are known to be broody, you can expect them to go broody about once a year. https://poultrykeeper.com/poultry-breeding/the-lavender-gene Although the chick will hatch out of a blue egg that looks identical to an Ameraucana egg, the chick will inherit appearance traits of both parents and grow up to lay olive eggs eggs. ©2012 by Fresh Eggs Daily, Inc. All rights reserved. These are a light cream color, with each hen laying around 100 to 150 eggs per year. They are a fair egg layer of medium to large size light brown eggs. We specialize in breeding Black Copper Marans and breed toward the SOP and for egg color. It was briefly placed on the Livestock Conservancy’s threatened list, and is currently labeled as a recovering breed. Adding a few Easter Eggers to your flock will be sure to get you lots of colorful farm fresh eggs! Here is a guide that might help if you are looking to add some color to your nesting boxes: A particular chicken will only lay one color egg her entire life, but each Easter Eggers could lay a different color egg for you. On and after April 1st, the minimum number of chicks required is 6 for selected breeds and 15 for all other chicks. Add to Favorites . The Livestock Conservancy Breeder Directory, Five Easy Ways to Keep your Chickens Water from Freezing this Winter, All About Chicken Poop: Green, Brown, Black and Everything In Between, Please Don't Heat our Coop... Love, The Chickens, Flock Block Knock Off: Homemade Chicken Boredom Buster Treat. Not to be confused with Easter Eggers, our birds are from purebred stock. A dog attacked my chicken and now she is trying to eat herself! A particular chicken will only lay one color egg her entire life, but each Easter Eggers could lay a different color egg for you. Lavender Orpington Egg Laying and Health Issues As with most Orpingtons, they are a fairly steady layer. So that meant I had to look further than our local feed store. Now, although Lavender Brahmas are big, they are actually quite friendly, timid, and not aggressive. Welcome and congrats on the eggs! Lavender Orpingtons are large, calm, and friendly birds. Silkie chickens lay moderate amounts of eggs each year. We have a nice blue that will vary from a bluish white to a beautiful black laced dark blue. We offer 4 types of French Marans: Black Marans, Black Copper Marans, Cuckoo Marans, and Wheaten Marans.. Our French Marans lay Dark/Chocolate Brown Eggs! A particular chicken will only lay one color egg her entire life, but each Easter Eggers could lay a different color egg for you. And even brown eggs come in a wide variety of shades when they come from different breeds of chickens. . May 20, 2018 - Ok what s the color difference between Lavender Orp VS. Blue Orp.. Is the Lavender a lighter shade of blue then the Blue Orp. Chicken Breed Information - Cochin - Cochins are known the world over for being big friendly balls of fluff and feathers. As a reminder, to help ensure a safe arrival to you, the minimum number of chicks for each order prior to April 1st is 25. I am so jealous! The Cochin first came to be noticed in the 1840s. Or visit our Learning Center for articles on How To Raise Chickens. One of our 20 week old Lavender Orpington pullets was climbing out of the nest box this morning when I went to get my White Leghorn's one daily egg (two layers & one just hatched chicks so she's not laying yet). They are a cold hearty and have full and fluffy plumage. You can see the color variation between an (L to R) Olive Egger, Easter Egger and Ameraucana egg below. They lay eggs predominantly during winter (usually October – March). In fact, you likely saw them listed in several of the above lists for that every reason. They can also produce large eggs in winter months, if the conditions are right, but most of the time, Cochin chicken breeders give their flock a break from laying during the winter. Egg Laying: fair/good 2-3 week Egg Color: Brown Egg Size: Small Unique Feature: Long feathered shanks In fact, you likely saw them listed in several of the above lists for that every reason. They are prolific brown egg layers, and even hold the world record, as one hen laid 364 eggs in 365 days, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. Reactions: BlueBaby. The American Poultry Association Standard of Perfection states the standard brahma rooster is 2.5 feet tall, with hens, roosters, and pullets weighing 5 to 8 pounds. We want to hear your stories, if you've been lucky hatching pullets, Cochins Vs. Orps Bickering thread CHOOSE YOUR SIDE, Oh Christmas Oh Christmas let me see thee. Lavender Orpington Egg Laying and Health Issues. Easter Eggers lay a variety of chicken egg colors, from cream, to pink, to every shade of blue and green. You just never know what you’re going to get with this fun breed! If you want a bit of a surprise, then add a few Easter Eggers to your flock. It can grow as tall as around 3 feet (91cm) tall and can weigh about 10 pounds (4.5kg). Growing up the granddaughter of chicken farmers, I was always told, "Brown eggs are local eggs and local eggs are fresh". Day Old Lavender Orpington Chicks Lavender Orpingtons are a shimmering, grayish, silver color with a definite purple tone. Like most Orpingtons, they are kind of a fairly steady layer. One of our 20 week old Lavender Orpington pullets was climbing out of the nest box this morning when I went to get my White Leghorn's one daily egg (two layers & one just hatched chicks so she's not laying yet). Which was fine with me. They looked more like Jungle Fowl or Malays. I really think that they are light in color... My EE's eggs didn't make it, so I let her hatch out some Welsummer and Ameraucana chicks - we ended up with 2 Wellies and 1 AM. You can mix and match any type of baby chick in your order to reach the applicable chick minimum order. Then I saw it - the cutest little brown pullet egg! You can click on any of the breeds below to find more specific breed information and availability. They have been described as 'lap chickens' by many. Lavender Orpington Egg Laying and Health Issues Like most Orpingtons, they are kind of a fairly steady layer. APPROX. Join BYC FREE here to see fewer ads, post questions, upload pics, & more! Cream Legbars Combine that soft fluffiness with a shimmering lavender-gray color, and Lavender Orpingtons are chickens to behold! There are more than 60 breeds of chickens recognized by the American Poultry Association and hundreds of other chicken breeds that have been developed worldwide — many of whom lay gorgeous eggs in a rainbow of hues ranging from white to cream, … Famous chicken keepers like Martha Stewart helped to popularize raising chicken breeds that lay colorful eggs, and now it’s become quite desirable to produce a basket of colorful eggs from your own backyard. There are more than 60 breeds of chickens recognized by the American Poultry Association and hundreds of other chicken breeds that have been developed worldwide — many of whom lay gorgeous eggs in a rainbow of hues ranging from white to cream, … Personality: Iconic for being a great family pet that dispenses eggs. Hurray! As a reminder, to help ensure a safe arrival to you, the minimum number of chicks for each order prior to April 1st is 25. My male is a racist. Whilst Cochin hens are not good egg layers they will lay throughout the winter. White egg shells have no brown pigment over the surface or blue pigment within the shell. Lavender Ameraucana are not a recognized Ameraucana color variety by the American Poultry Association, yet they are one of the most popular and sought after varieties. Jun 25, 2019 #4 G. Gmomma Hatching. Jun 25, 2019 1 1 1. cooleo said: Unfortunately, although Silkies have the potential to lay an exceptional amount of eggs, their laying season is often cut short by their tendency to go broody. Imagine the excitement of peering into your nesting boxes and finding a rainbow of different colored eggs every day. (Please see "The Color Blue" under Blue Andalusians for a description of our Blue Cochin chicks.) Add to Favorites . Facts About This Breed This breed lays medium to large brown eggs. Interested in advertising your company? When we first decided to try raising chickens, the breeds we chose were based solely on what types of chicks the local feed store had that spring. Orpington Chickens, in general, are big, round, fluffy chickens and could arguably be the softest of all the breeds. Since Orpingtons are known to be broody, they can be broody about once a year. Some chicken breeds lay green eggs, some lay blue eggs, and others lay more ordinary colors like white and brown. The reasons behind chicken breeds and egg color is really quite fascinating. I'm interested to know if you have any blue lavender giant Cochin hatching eggs. Learn More. Cochins became famous in the 1800s when this Chinese breed was given as a gift to Queen Victoria of England, who absolutely adored them. Egg Color/ Frequency: Gifts 3-4 large Brown eggs a week. Cute chicks, beautiful chickens, wonderful layers...and they all laid brown eggs. I have never been so happy about eggs in my life. Ameraucanas Black Copper Marans Black Copper Marans. The egg color is mostly cream-tinted, but some such as the Easter Egger bantam produces colorful pastel eggs in a variety of colors. If … The “lavender” gene (lav) in the chicken triggers the dilution of both black and red/brown pigments, so according to color background, dilution because of “lavender” offers a type of plumage color patterns: On an extensive background, this problem creates the whole surface area of the body an also color of light slaty blue, which is the normal phenotype referred to as ‘”self-blue”‘. Egg Color Chart - Find Out What Egg Color Your Breed Lays Author Cats Critters; Publish date Jan 11, 2012; Updated Oct 5, 2016; Article Reviews (27) Gallery. Cackle Hatchery® started breeding them in 2015. The cochins were introduced to the United States around 1850 from China. You can mix and match any type of baby chick in your order to reach the applicable chick minimum order. I had no idea that there were different colored chicken eggs besides brown and white. The true blue color is perhaps one of the most difficult colors to breed for in the poultry world. Also, curious if you have any photos of ones you have hatched. So once I discovered the world of colored eggs, of course I got online and started researching chicken breeds and egg colors, and then began a quest over the next few years to assemble a flock that lays every color egg imaginable. See more ideas about lavender orpington chickens, chickens, chicken breeds. Mar 6, 2016 - Explore Sheila Lundquist Hoover's board "Lavender Orpington Chickens" on Pinterest. Cream color, with each hen Laying around 100 to 150 eggs year! Or visit our Learning Center for articles on How to Raise chickens like Orpingtons! A wide variety of chicken egg colors, from cream, to every shade blue. Great family pet that dispenses eggs cute chicks, beautiful chickens, chickens, wonderful layers... and they make! 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