Before that, if you lived in a draft-board district where a lot of kids went to college, you were draft bait if you didn't. JANUARY Feb 23 57 None of the enlisted grades have an average age … Dec 11 39 Dec 1 129 Jun 21 60 The 2010 issue of Vietnam magazine revisits those days in the article, “Live from Washington, It’s Lottery Night 1969! Jun 27 64 Jul 21 27 Jun 25 137 Reinstituting the draft would require an act of Congress. Jun 16 274 ( Note: 18 year olds required to register for the draft were issued “draft cards” and were required by law to carry that document with them at all time. And as to how likely it was for someone to be drafted - that depended on a lot of factors; the year in question, whether they were married or had kids, whether they were doing something else for the war effort, etc. Women burning the draft cards of their husbands and sons during an anti-war protest in 1968. The Confederate states’ draft began in 1862, not too long after the war broke out. Apr 24 2 Nov 8 97 Dec 16 96 At two key points in American history, the draft was highly divisive and resulted in massive protests: the Civil War and Vietnam. For most of the war, all young men at age 18 were required to register for the draft. Sep 21 204 May 1 330 Oct 31 79, NOVEMBER Jun 10 206 Jun 29 353 Feb 11 150 May 31 313, JUNE Feb 25 179 Sep 9 263 Toby's Age/Vietnam Draft. Jul 23 172 Feb 13 152 Nov 5 310 Jul 18 190 Sep 11 158 Sep 17 255 Dec 5 56 Was the Vietnam war draft a legal draft? Jan 18 140 Mar 20 239 Since students were deferred, kids who finished high school and went to work were much more likely to be taken. Nov 28 281 The Selective Service System underwent a dramatic overhaul in 1969. Mr. BlahLaLa was born in 1954 and when he graduated high school he enlisted in the navy in order to avoid the risk of being drafted into the army. The war had arisen from a series of conflicts dating back to the early stages of French colonialism and Japanese occupation of Vietnam in World War II. Aug 20 344 Twenty-six years is the cutoff age. Jun 8 366 Jun 20 360 Myth: The common belief is the average age of an infantryman fighting in Vietnam was 19. We were scaling back in '71 and '72, so someone who was just 18 in '71 may have juuuuuust missed the cutoff. Feb 26 365 Dec 17 304 Sep 26 18 May 4 276 Jan 24 59 Vietnam Draft Lottery Fate of a Lifetime. Aug 2 45 Jul 12 15 One thing seems clear: even the remaining deferments will not allow students to avoid the draft interminably or until the exemption age is reached. Jun 9 335 Jun 26 22 Apr 27 74 The draft lottery proved to be unfair in another significant way. Feb 29 285, MARCH The military draft brought the war to the American home front. Sep 1 225 Oct 19 241 Dec 26 173 Mar 11 136 Oct 21 243 Help me plan a 3 month trip to Southeast Asia:... Do my visa plans for Asia make sense? My brother, born in 1952, was in the last full draft lottery. Apr 17 260 U.S. troop involvement in Vietnam ended Aug. 15, 1973. Feb 5 214 Aug 21 291 Jun 17 73 Oct 16 254 At first, men between the ages of 18 and 35 were called up and were required to serve three years if selected. It differed from the North’s draft. Sep 8 184 My fil was drafted in 1969 at age 19-my inlaws were married but didn't have children yet (they'd been married for 2 years already). Jul 7 50 Dec 24 95 Apr 8 312 His two brothers, older by just a couple years got called, though. Feb 27 205 Mar 13 259 Mar 1 108 ... High school students - A high school student younger than age 20 may postpone his induction as long as he is a full-time student doing satisfactory work. My own father was of eligible age, but for most of the war he was granted an exemption from the draft because he was designing subs with. May 14 178 Apr 15 273 Dec 12 314 Jul 9 277 Resistance to the military draft during the Vietnam Era resulted in the suspension of selective service in the US after 1972, although young men continued to register for the draft. 1969 lottery numbers for 19 year old men were called at a rate of 30 per month during the first half of 1970. May 13 295 There were 366 blue plastic capsules containing birth dates placed in a large glass container and drawn by hand to assign order-of-call numbers to all men within the 18-26 age range specified in Selective Service law. Aug 1 111 Throughout the Vietnam era, the median education level of … Jun 18 341 Ask MetaFilter is where thousands of life's little questions are answered. Dec 8 105 During the Vietnam War era, between 1964 and 1973, the U.S. military drafted 2.2 million American men out of an eligible pool of 27 million. According to. The first push to lower the voting age came during World War II.The Selective Training and Service Act of 1940 set the draft age range at 21-35, … The law says you have up until 30 days after you turn 18 to register, but there is a grace period that allows you to register up until the last day of your 25th year. Aug 12 142 During the Vietnam Era, draft-age Americans who left the country to avoid military service were called _____. Aug 3 261 The little balls with numbers on them were not sufficiently mixed up; if you were born in November or December, you were much more likely to go to Vietnam than if you were born in any of the other months. Feb 12 68 Feb 10 216 Jan 26 92 Sep 15 113 Jul 3 115 It's a long story, but he made it out okay. Mar 24 258 Before the lottery was implemented in the latter part of the Vietnam conflict, there was no system in place to determine order of call besides the fact that men between the ages of 18 and 26 were vulnerable to being drafted. Sep 30 315, OCTOBER Jun 30 209, JULY Sep 16 207 See more ideas about vietnam draft, vietnam, vietnam war. May 22 326 A draft changes the nature of national service because only a sub-set of citizens must serve. Dec 9 43 The table below the lottery numbers, by birth date, for the US Selective Service lotteries held from 1969 to 1972 (during the Vietnam war). Sep 27 233 Fact: Assuming KIAs accurately represented age groups serving in Vietnam, the average age of an infantryman (MOS 11B) serving in Vietnam to be 19 years old is a myth, it is actually 22. During the Vietnam War, almost 80 percent of those who enlisted had high school diplomas, and the percentage was higher for draftees -- even though, at the time, only 65 percent of military-age males had a high school diploma. Myth: The average age of an infantryman fighting in Vietnam was 19. U.S. representative Alexander Pirnie draws the first capsule for the first Vietnam draft lottery (December 1, 1969). Apr 6 253 Nov 22 9 He was 6 ft. tall. Sep 20 63 Jan 2 159 If he turned 59 recently, that means he was born in 1953. May 25 361 May 19 75 The draft originates in antiquity and sees people bound to serve in the military unless they have extenuating circumstances. Mar 4 275 Oct 11 237 Aug 16 44 Oct 14 294 Jul 16 120 Jun 20, 2018 - Explore Brenda Midolo's board "Vietnam draft era" on Pinterest. Nov 10 282 Jan 12 221 May 3 40 The table below the lottery numbers, by birth date, for the US Selective Service lotteries held from 1969 to 1972 (during the Vietnam war). Jan 11 329 Dec 14 26 May 6 155 Jan 10 325 According to the New York Times, African Americans were drafted at a disproportionately higher rate than whites, representing more than 16% of all draftees and 23% of all combat troops, despite being only 11% of the civilian population in 1967.The draft wasn't the only problem. That led to the socioeconomic bias mentioned above, and eventually to the lottery. The final lottery drawing was held March 1, 1975. Draftees could be under 21 (18 at the youngest), and at that time, nobody under the age of 21 was allowed to vote. Jan 20 280 The Vietnam generation came of age with the threat of … Jan 22 337 Oct 27 264 Jan 14 238 Sep 29 151 – vartec Jun 11 '12 at 9:23. Feb 3 297 The Vietnam War draft was controversial because people who did not support the war and had no say in formulating war policy were nevertheless being forced to fight. Nov 20 185 Feb 9 338 Aug 4 145 Jul 4 279 Sep 23 119 With radio, film, and TV coverage, the capsules were drawn from the container, opened, and the dates inside posted in order. 4. Jan 8 199 Vietnam draft lottery focused on 19 year old men December 1, 1969 was the first draft lottery held since 1942, during World War II. How likely were you to be drafted during the Vietnam war if you were eligible? Apr 11 14 Jun 19 104 His number was 365. I've searched through and haven't seen this, so I'll bring it up: in Angel Maintenance, Toby says that he had a higher number than the draft went to that year. Lottery Numbers, by Birth Date, for Selective Service Lottery Held July 1, 1970. Lottery Numbers, by Birth Date, for Selective Service Lottery Held July 1, 1970. Dec 19 240 Requirements for registration varied over the decades, ranging from eligible age ranges beginning at 21 and eventually lowering to age 18. The current version of the draft was also used during World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Nov 23 182 The draft was essential to the country's efforts during World War II, and the last call came in 1972 during the Vietnam War. May 16 55 Jun 1 249 Aug 25 286 The current version of the draft was also used during World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. May 27 296 Nov 15 131 Aug 10 21 N69gives the results of the lottery held on December 1, 1969, for men born from 1944 through 1950. Before the Vietnam-war build-up began in mid-1965, the average draftee was between the ages of 22 and 23. Jan 17 235 Buffeted by protests against the war and the unfairness of the draft system, which also took a disproportionate number of African-American men, President Richard Nixon sought to reform the draft. Aug 24 36 Nov 11 46 2/3 of the men who served in World War II were drafted.Approximately 70% of those killed in Vietnam were volunteers. Apr 25 351 The boards had quotas, and they had to supply a given number of bodies every month. Jul 14 331 Mar 25 343 It was a sobering sight to see photos of such young faces in uniform (they looked nothing like the actors in, The Selective Service website has information about how the lottery worked and what the numbers were. The last military draft in the United States occurred during the Vietnam War. He did 2 tours in Vietnam, then spent another 20 years as career Army. May 20 183 May 21 250 Jun 12 272 At what age … Aug 5 54 Jan 7 306 Oct 1 359 Nov 9 80 May 11 37 Apr 16 148 Sep 25 149 Apr 26 340 Apr 28 262 Apr 12 346 Oct 17 288 President Nixon and Congress ended the draft in 1973. Aug 22 339 This drawing determined the order of induction for men born between January 1, 1944 and December 31, 1950. Jul 26 303 Jun 13 69 Feb 21 363 Sep 19 177 Mar 2 29 Apr 13 124 Oct 10 220 Aug 15 102 On December 1, 1969, the first draft lottery since 1942 was held, at Selective Service National headquarters in Washington, D.C. Aug 30 333 Apr 18 90 Local boards called men classified 1-A, 18-1/2 through 25 years old, oldest first. At what age … Mar 23 256 Nov 3 348 Jan 30 164 For example, a man with a #131 was ordered to report for his physical exam in February 1970 and classified 1-A, then ordered to report for induction in May 1970. Sep 28 257 Apparently his draft number was one in the final round of draft numbers called, but they never actually made it down to his. The first two variables define the birth date: M, the month (from 1 for January to 12 for December) and D, the day of the month. Feb 14 4 Feb 6 347 The draft was hel d on December 1, 1969 for the 1970 calendar year and included those born between January 1, 1944, and December 31, 1950. During the Vietnam Era, draft-age Americans who left the country to avoid military service were called _____. Mar 22 265 Young men registered with Selective Service (as they do today) and were given draft cards with their number on it. Apr 19 336 Feb 2 144 No because it was an undeclared war. Ask MetaFilter is a question and answer site that covers nearly any question on earth, where members help each other solve problems. My dad also just turned 59, a few days ago. A need for more manpower upon America’s deeper involvement in the Vietnam war in 1965, made President Johnson bring in conscription. p172 looks helpful: "By the summer of 1966 the draft used the following sequence, in descending order, to call men: delinquents, oldest first; volunteers up to age 26; single and married since 26 August 1965; 19 to 26 with oldest called first; men over 26, youngest … Nov 29 99 Women are currently exempt, but registration is a requirement for all eligible males residing in the country who fall within certain age categories. May 30 103 Results for Men Facing the Draft in 1971 . Jan 21 186 May 26 357 Nov 6 76 May 15 130 Sep 7 8 Dec 20 135 Mar 21 334 Nov 27 47 Jun 7 85 Aug 8 48 A few friends of mine got exempted because they pretended to be gay. Apr 22 316 Mar 15 169 Vietnam Draft Lottery Data Description. Apr 1 32 Nov 19 203 Sep 24 195 Jul 8 13 In my family, which lacks influence of any kind, several relatives have managed to serve while gaming the system to their advantage, even when drafted or holding bad numbers. Jan 15 17 Oct 7 234 Mar 3 267 Nov 16 107 Feb 7 91 Oct 20 192 Oct 29 229 The first birth date drawn that night, assigned the lowest number, “001,” was September 14. The draft was essential to the country's efforts during World War II, and the last call came in 1972 during the Vietnam War. Mar 26 170 Jan 31 211, FEBRUARY Nov 24 230 From 1965 to 1972, over 15,300 national servicemen served in the Vietnam War, with 200 killed and 1,279 wounded. They still are. Nov 1 19 Nov 7 51 It was also active in peace times between the latter two wars. Oct 8 283 Aug 28 167 Feb 22 290 Once again the issue of conscription provoked debate within the Australian community, with university students and other members of the community taking part in large anti-conscription and anti-Vietnam War demonstrations. Sep 10 71 Oct 18 5 The age group grew as the war went on, with the final draft covering those aged between 17 and 50 years. Aug 11 324 The Gala approaches! Jul 6 327 Oct 3 244 Not even all the reserves were sent - my dad was in the Marine Reserves during the peak of Vietnam, and to this day he's still baffled why he didn't end up getting sent over, but he didn't. Jul 5 188 The first two variables define the birth date: M, the month (from 1 for January to 12 for December) and D, the day of the month. Coming of age doesn’t come close to holding the same meaning as it did for the nearly 72 million “baby boomers” born into the Vietnam era draft. Sep 14 1 Forty years ago, on December 1, 1969, the first Vietnam draft lottery was held, which used birthdays to determine the random order in which young men would be chosen for military service in 1970. Sep 6 6 Oct 30 38 Feb 1 86 Jul 20 187 Dec 7 12 The draft originates in antiquity and sees people bound to serve in the military unless they have extenuating circumstances. Jan 23 118 Nov 14 127 Mar 12 300 Join 6,466 readers in helping fund MetaFilter. Dec 28 123 Oct 13 138 Other friends took shitloads of drugs before they went to their physicals so that they could seem mentally ill. One of my cousins starved himself down to 120 lbs or whatever the weight cutoff was. Approximately 850,000 men were affected by the 1969 draft lottery. The draft lottery changed things. Feb 28 299 Mar 10 323 Oct 23 201 Myth: Common belief is that most Vietnam veterans were drafted. The highest lottery number drafted that year was 195. Sep 13 175 Aug 13 307 This drawing determined the order of induction for men born between January 1, 1944 and December 31, 1950. Also, when protesting the war, many young men burned their draft cards. Jun 4 20 Re-institution of the lottery was a change from the “draft the oldest man first” method, which had been the determining method for deciding order of call. Feb 18 292 Dec 13 163 Apr 29 191 Aug 6 114 Nov 30 174, DECEMBER Before the lottery was implemented in the latter part of the Vietnam conflict, there was no system in place to determine order of call besides the fact that men between the ages of 18 and 26 were vulnerable to being drafted. May 8 321 Aug 23 116 Dec 2 328 HISTORY The Vietnam War Draft. Aug 19 311 Jul 2 350 Women burning the draft cards of their husbands and sons during an anti-war protest in 1968. 366 blue plastic capsules contained the birthdays that would be chosen in the first Vietnam draft lottery drawing on December 1, 1969. Oct 26 7 Who Has to Register Jun 11 134 Mar 31 30, APRIL So if roughly less than 10% of that generation served (The Veteran's Hour), that means it's pretty unlikely any person you meet on the street today from that generation will have been in Vietnam? Draft age for Vietnam was 19 to 25, draft age for WWII until 1942 was 21 to 45, in 1942 changed to 18 to 38. What is the definition of a "combat soldier?" What was minimum draft age during Vietnam war? Back when I was still in high school (1977) and on the yearbook staff, I remember looking at some yearbooks from 1968-69 and seeing an "In Memoriam" section with photos of students who'd died in Vietnam. Myth: The average age of an infantryman fighting in Vietnam was 19. The local hard-rock FM radio station had a contest: the first guy to call in that could prove that he had lottery number 1 got a free one-way bus ticket to Vancouver. Jan 25 52 Jan 5 101 The college deferment was the main way out of the draft, which had interesting effects on the academic world, when flunking out of school could very easily become fatal. If canon fodder was needed they would be selected at random for 2 years service. I think another factor about outcomes relates to individuals’ persuasiveness and tenacity for getting better assignments despite the military’s plans to send them into the war zone. Aug 14 198 May 17 112 May 7 35 Jul 29 270 Nov 2 34 !” 366 blue plastic capsules contained the birthdays that would be chosen in the first Vietnam draft lottery drawing on December 1, 1969. May 10 65 President Nixon established a draft lottery in 1969 but stopped drafting military-age males in 1973 when the U.S. military became an all-volunteer force, but not before an estimated half million people avoided conscription. Jun 22 247 May 12 133 Jul 31 193, AUGUST This is a bit of a tangent and I'm on my phone, but it's worth mentioning that the 1969 lottery was unfair. Soldiers who actually participated in combat, or was it sufficient to have been deployed into Vietnam in a combat position? Sep 22 160 Dec 25 84 The highest lottery number called for this group was 195; all men as… Representative Alexander Pirnie of New York drawing the first Birth Date, for men born 1956! Pre inauguration, he says he 's 48, which means he was born …... He turned 59, a few friends of mine got exempted because they to! 19 Harvard alumni who were killed, only 11 were in the Vietnam war in,... ( very ) important factor was socioeconomic level United States occurred during the Vietnam generation came of with..., South Vietnamese generals seized power in Saigon in a combat position of draft numbers called but... At what age … Landscaping, gardening and the environment, Congressman Alexander of. 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